Vindö Marin is a boatyard with a high level of capacity, excellent technical resources and personnel with a genuine knowledge of boats.
This protected and easily accessible facility consists of:
- 12000 m² boat hall with heated storage and humidity control
- 2500 m² boat hall for cold storage
- 40 ton boat crane
- 27 metre high mast crane
- Unique mast storage system in a heated hall
- Fully equipped workshops for woodworking , reconditioning, rigging, mechanical and electronic work as well as varnishing
Boat crane 40 tons
Travel lift with high capacity
Our travel lift has a capacity of 40 tons and allows us to lift, turn and transport large boats safely and efficiently.
Our crane is available for lifting boats throughout the entire year. For a booking, call +46 (0) 304-392 90.

Mast crane 27 m
Mast crane that is 27 meters high with a six ton lifting capacity
Vindö Marin has a unique capacity for handling even the longest boat masts. Our mast crane has 27 metres of clearance and a six ton lifting capacity and allows us to perform all the lifting and rigging with a high level of efficiency, great precision and maximum safety.
Our crane is available for lifting masts throughout the entire year. For a booking, call +46 (0) 304-392 90.

Halls 14500 m²
Safe and secure storage with a high level of capacity
In our 12000 m² of heated hall space, we store boats in a controlled climate in terms of temperature and humidity. Here you can store your boat over the winter and be sure to avoid frost damage or the growth of mildew. You can also store your boat over the winter to be sure to avoid frost damage. The slightly higher air humidity in the frost-free hall helps keep all the wood in your boat in good condition. In addition to heated storage, we also offer cold storage in our 2500 m² boat hall without heating.
The perimeter of the boat halls is secured with fire and theft alarm systems connected to security companies. The buildings have a modern construction and are designed to withstand major snow loads and strong winds.
Access to the hall is restricted and follows an access control procedure in order to minimise the risk of unauthorised persons accessing the premises.
All of the boats are loaded into individual storage spaces that are customised for the respective boat.

Vindö Marin – A secure facility
Vindö Marin’s harbour is situated on northern Orust, which is protected from wind and weather. The perimeter of the boat halls is protected with fire and theft alarm systems connected to security companies. The buildings have a modern construction and are designed to withstand major snow loads and strong winds.
Access to the hall is restricted and follows an access control procedure in order to minimise the risk of unauthorised persons accessing the premises.
Secure boat handling
All handling of boats in the harbour and on land is performed according to a procedure that is designed in consultation with the insurance companies.
Lifting boats and masts with a crane is performed by trained personnel using oversized equipment. All lifting equipment is subject to ongoing service and maintenance.

We create a good environment for both boats and humans
In conjunction with dry docking, we wash the bottom of the boat on a special wash-down pad that transports residue from the bottom of the boat to a cleaning facility. Here all the residual products are collected and processed for incineration. It is not just the wash-down pad that is connected to the environmental system, all waste products from the entire facility are sent to the cleaning facility.
Our cleaning system is a high-capacity cleaning system, which allows us to perform large scale cleaning of boat bottoms using wet-blasting (a combination of water/sand) and handing the residual waste safely.
The storage halls have ventilation and vacuum systems with good air exchange to create the cleanest air possible for visiting boat owners, personnel and boats.